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Top 10 Linking strategies for SEO

Two of the three biggest search engines (Google and Yahoo) place great importance on internet more than ever, if you want to own a successful business needs a successful website you should know what it means to be friendly to search engines. And one of the main rules for optimizing your website for search engines is to create inbound links - links (links) from other sites pointing to your site. 10 years ago, when Google started changing the code to content (including inbound links) as the preferred way of determining the "relevance" of a website, the world changed. Webmasters immediately began trying to capture every link they could get. But this no longer works well although the inbound links are still important. In many ways are more vital than before. How then, got to get those precious links with text link?

We are those 10 strategies:
1.    Comments on Blogs Change the way you read blogs of other people. It was always said that reading is good. But it's better if it interacts with bloggers. This makes them feel good. Validates what they are writing. Start a relationship between the two. And, here's the best part, gives an inbound link to your site.
3.    Blog Trackbacks Start a blog and relate to all those blogs you're reading in the form of a "trackback" in their post. Do not know what that means? Search for "trackback" on Wikipedia, or go deeper with a tutorial. Implement this strategy, is an elegant way, easy and effective way of getting inbound links.
4.    Pay Per Click Ads PPC advertising is in fact an aggregate cost of marketing. However, it is a controlled environment for building reliable ROI, and a great way to build inbound links where you have control over the text used in the link text.
5.    Forum comments: Similar to participate in forums comments and trackbacks to blogs, participating in forums in your industry will enable relacionarce with other professionals, we keep abreast of current trends, and allow you to build inbound links in line with the signing of their posts.
6.    Build Other Pages some social sites allow you to create content and post it on their domain as new pages. A great example of this is Seth Godin's Creating content that focuses on a particular subject will engage readers and create more inbound links to your main site.
7.    Wikis The concept of a wiki (like is that readers are also contributors of content. Anyone who is logged can log in and change content. Understand that other readers of this content have zero tolerance for advertising and sales tactics, be careful with this. Be purely informative and helpful to its content. If the content passes the screening, you will have a small link at the outset that potentially will be seen by millions.
8.    Social networks MySpace and FaceBook in fact, but there is an explosion of social sites on the web. Come in and participate. Doing this allows you to interact and interact with other professionals, build inbound links.
9.    Social Bookmarking Different than social networking, social bookmarking is similar to how you add sites to your browser bookmarks with the difference that you add your favorite sites in one place, at sites like, ma.gnolia. com,,, Google bookmarks ... The goal is to help people discover these bookmarks, and find your site. An additional advantage of social bookmarking (and blog posts) is that you get "tag" their content with label words and phrases that are relevant to the content. These tags are used to identify the content in the search process.
10.    Sites organized navigation This is a variation of social bookmarking. There are sites that organize how people surf the web in an effort to make the process of finding content quickly and focused. (available as Firefox plugin) is one of my favorites but others like Technorati (blog content), Digg (blogs, articles and news stories) and newcomer Trailfire (another Firefox plugin) allow a power surfing users, finding your site via inbound links.
11.    Request a link will not discard it yet. Asking another webmaster a link still works. (Always good to have a link page) However, with all the other options listed above, you quickly learn that this tactic is largely a waste of time and unproductive. There is a saying that goes: "Plan your work and work your plan" and this applies in the creation of links. The success of your website - and ultimately your business - depends on it! INKS-way to determine your ranking. Each link to your site is like a vote and the more votes you have, the higher ranked. In this article I will share important information and strategies to help you in the art of creating inbound links.
Do not make these mistakes:
•    Do not waste your time getting one way link service site Page Rank. One or two links from sites with Page Rank 5 + may be worth more than 100 links to sites with no PR.
•    Be careful about buying links or you banned. If your website has only a few backlinks a day and the next day has hundreds, Google will see this and penalize you.
•    Do not waste your time getting one way links are links that URL, you have to get text links.
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Keyword density formula in SEO

An integral part of any campaign for search engine optimization (SEO) is the research and chooses keywords for your website. This is basically the words or terms that you are trying to defend in the search engine. Do you sell PEZ dispensers? Then you may want to use "fish", the "providers", "candy flavored" or the most popular items, such as "Star Wars PEZ. Once you do choose these keywords, you need to enter keywords in the content and tags of your website is considered relevant for search engines when ranking your site. This includes the copy on your website, and all page titles, heading tags and links. It is not an easy process, but necessary for SEO.

When you insert your keywords throughout the content of the on-site, it is vital to understand the density at which the keywords are optimized on a page. The "keyword density" is referring specifically to how often a keyword is used in your copy of the in-page. Search engines compute the percentage of keyword density, and found the more often a search term in content, most will think that your page is relevant and should be ranked higher. However, there is a fine line between having an optimum density of the keyword and over-stuffing your content with keywords and terms.
Please note: Just because you have the right amount of keyword density in your SEO campaign, it means that the higher you will automatically align. The new Google algorithm favors really related terms to search only the keyword density. Focus also on the quality of its content, which only focus on your keyword density. If you exceed the optimal density of the keyword, you can face a penalty of over-optimization.
There's percentage of "perfect" in the keyword density in SEO, but strives to keep our Volacci density at or below 5 percent. The percentage of a page is relative to its length happy, so it is recommended that you know the formula for calculating each page. The formula for the keyword density is quite simple.
1.    Count how many words you have on your page.
2.    Count how many times you have used your keyword
3.    Apply this formula

Keyword density = ([key word count]) * 100 / (total word count]
For example, let's say you have a 500 word article about PEZ dispensers, and you are optimizing for "FISH"
•    - Total Word Count: 500
•    - Applications of FISH keyword: 12

Density of "fish" = (12 * 100) / 500
The keyword density for "FISH" on page is 2.4%
SEO campaigns, have keyword optimization in content on-page is very important to be relevant to the search engines. However, if you focus too much on keyword density, you can potentially lose focus on other important elements in the dynamic approach to optimizing your site. Use the formula for keyword density to ensure that you are applying relevant applications of your keywords in quality content and links so that you are getting the most out of your research. If you abuse your keywords, Google will get you gods, so the stuffers are not saved.
Volacci is the main company of Drupal SEO and very passionate about their online success. By the end of your contract you will have at least much additional business from your website as you spend on our services ... or work for free until you do.
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