This probably won’t make anyone a ton of cash, and it might have been mentioned before, but I thought I’d share because it made me 30-70 bucks a day back when I used this method.
First, you’ll need an Amazon affiliate account and a Yahoo Answers account.
The great thing about Yahoo Answers pages is that they often rank high in Google and they stick for a long time.
So, do an advanced search in Yahoo Answers for questions like, “Where can I buy” or “Where do I get” or “I want to buy” or “Does anyone know here I can get a”, etc. These are people who are ready to buy a product, but they can’t find it. They’re normally just completely computer illiterate.
Now go to Amazon and find the product they’re looking for. Make an affiliate link for it and post it as an answer. Not only will they click on your link and buy it, but when someone searches Google with the same question, you’ll make sales when they click your link, too.
Also, did you know that whenever someone clicks on your Amazon affiliate link, you get commission on anything they buy on Amazon in the next 24 hours?
So let’s say a teenager clicks on your link to go check out a Twilight journal or something, and then they get off the computer. Their dad comes in the room, turns on the computer, and goes to Amazon to buy a brand new $3,000 camera. You’ll get commission for that.
Speaking of big ticket items, try to find questions on YA about what the best kind of camera or TV or camcorder to buy is. Then find a review, copy it into your answer, and put up an affiliate link to the item. Huge commissions to be made!